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The stories we tell ourselves create all that we have today. Some we love and others not is much.
In this episode we talk about how to identify if we are telling ourselves stories and decide if they are ones we would...
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Hiding. Where in life do you feel you are hiding and what is it costing you?
In this episode I share why we hide and how to choose to overcome that urge. It's time for you to stop hiding and start being seen for who...
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Reinvention- I just got back from a live reinvention event and my mind was blown. I had a little box tucked away with stuff I thought I didn't need coaching on and low and behold, Brooke Castillo, the founder of The...
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The Art of Pivoting
The Art of Pivoting has been one of my own personal transformative tools and its something I teach my clients too. The ability to pivot can reduce your own suffering, however many of us find it difficult to steer away...
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Overdeliver means to deliver in excess of a norm, standard or requirement. We were brought up thinking more is more but at what cost. As women, daughters, mothers, wives and professionals we tend do overdeliver but...
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All or None
All or None Phenomena.......it hold us back from taking chances and trying now things. It's never what we're doing that holds us back, instead it's the stuff we tell ourselves.
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Going First
Being the first one to do something is definitely scary, no doubt, but should it hold you back? I share about speaking in front of 1800 Life coaches LIVE on stage with all my mentors and coaches in the audience. I was...
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Why Now?
Why now? Why is the best time for you to choose to invest in you?
What will it cost you if you don't prioritize you?
Let's go deeper into figuring out what hold you back and how to overcome it.
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The Transformation- Part 4
In this episode I share about my personal transformation.
Coaching vs Therapy and the role they played in my life.
What will it cost you if you don't change your old ways?
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Hitting Rock Bottom-Part 3
What does hitting rock bottom mean to you? I'll share how that happened in my life and how I got there without realizing it. There are different ways many of us reach this place and that could look like burnout at...
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The To-Do List-Part 2
The to-do list is not what you think it is. In this episode we will touch upon the list that was apparent or unapparent to many of us in our years of growth. I will talk about how the imaginary list drove many of us...
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The Foundation- Part 1
How I got here?
The foundation is the most important part of anything. It can affect all that comes afterwards. Listen to how it all started and how it's similar to many of you. Part 1
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