One day, a bunch of exhausted, frustrated, and severely overwhelmed Physician Moms, like you, decide to quit living by the expectations of their culture (and everyone else for that matter)....

...and chose to be true to themselves (without fear), listening to their hearts, and live a life of endless "YAY" moments with the people they love.

Grab your ticket to my online workshop, Claim Your 90 Minutes, and start living the "YAY" lifestyle. 

Claim Your 90 Minutes

One day, a bunch of exhausted, frustrated, and severely overwhelmed Physician Moms, like you, decide to quit living by the expectations of their culture (and everyone else for that matter)...

...and chose to be true to themselves (without fear), listening to their hearts, and live a life of endless "YAY" moments with the people they love.

Want in on the revolution?

Grab your ticket to my online workshop, Claim Your 90 Minutes, and start living the "YAY" lifestyle. 

Claim Your 90 Minutes

Your days are still filled with trying to exercise, eat well, drink water, get enough sleep, take your supplements, and try to catch a moment for personal interest (even watching TV or reading a page out of a book would be great by now). All while meeting the needs of your kids, husband, medical board, house, friends, etc.,

  • You’ve tried a Psychologist.
  • Taking medications for depression. 
  • Reading all the books and listening to all the Podcasts you can find the subject of “self-care”.

And frankly, you are so over that word too. It feels like it can’t be done.

You’re trying so hard, but many days, it just doesn’t feel like there are enough hours in a day to do what needs to be done. You feel like you’re either letting someone else or yourself down. It feels like self-care needs to be sacrificed in order to keep up with everything else.

Hi, I’m Payal...

When I won a trip to the Four Seasons in Bora Bora for a week of coaching, it was a pivotal moment in my life.

Before I started this journey, I felt overwhelmed, exhausted, depressed at my unmet expectations, and maybe even a little resentful of my circumstances.

Fast forward a week, I found myself on a bridge overlooking the above ground bungalows, and I felt a sudden sense of relief.

It was as if for the first time, I chose ME.

I chose LOVE!
I chose FREEDOM!
I chose to start my next chapter.

Now, I enjoy helping women physicians who feel chronically exhausted and overwhelmed due to self-induced pressures to be the perfect doctor, mom, wife, athlete allow their inner voice to speak so they can experience greater fulfillment and happiness.

Jon Doe

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Jane Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed.

Jim Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed.