Brown and Happy

Brown and Happy

Hosted by: Dr. Payal Patel Ghayal

Brown women work so hard and invest decades to do all the right things. Despite following the perfect checklist to do everything the way she should, she's still not happy. I have been down that path of doctor, wife,...

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Episode 101: Changing Careers- Start Up to Artist with Natasha Patel

Going from a start up to artist is not an easy step for anyone, let alone a woman of color. Natasha Patel is a self-taught abstract artist based out of Costa Mesa, CA. She worked nearly a decade in toxic male...
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Episode 100: Knowing Your Worth with Payal For Style

Payal Desai, also known as Payalforstyle on Instagram and tiktok. Her viral “Dusty Son” series on social media seeks to dispel traditional gender roles beginning right in her home - teaching her sons. The series has...
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Episode 99: How to Break Competitive Barriers among Brown Women

Do you notice the subconscious competitive vibe in the brown community? As kids, we saw it in the older generation and were even roped into it. Remember the aunties and uncles bragging about how their kids were...
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Episode 98: Behind the PERFECT life Facade- Let's Get Real

It's going to get real this summer. I used to think I was living my true, authentic self. I believed I was following my own voice. But after facing a rollercoaster of ups and downs, I had a revelation that I must...
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Episode 97: All the Single Desi Ladies in their 40's...listen up

Why are there so many successful brown ladies in their 40's right now??? I've had more of you reach out to me because you think there's something wrong with you or the life choices you have made in the past. Well,...
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Episode 96: Joy is my Justice-Reclaim What is Yours with Dr. Tanmeet Sethi

Joy is available to you at all times, even in the midst of suffering. Today Dr. Sethi joins me to discuss Joy, Justice and its connection to the brown community today. Tanmeet Sethi, MD is an Integrative and...
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Episode 95: How to Think Outside the Box

Most of us are first-or second-generation immigrants. We have mastered thinking inside the box over the years. But what would life look like if we were curious and willing to experience a little discomfort? Where in...
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Episode 94: Take Responsibility and Finally Feel Powerful

Taking responsibility of your life is the most powerful step you can implement today. No matter what you're struggling with, there is something that you do have control of and that's where you focus your...
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Episode 93: Fear of Leaving

The fear of the unknown leads us to feel paralyzed to make any new changes in both our personal and professional life. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.... The known poison is easier than the...
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Episode 92: Worker Bee Mentality

Worker Bee Mentality is a very common theme in the Asian American Pacific Islander Community. In honor of AAPI heritage month, we dive deeper into the immigrant journey. The scarcity promoted the worker bee mindset...
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Episode 91: Knowing the Difference Between Family Heirlooms and Clutter

In Honor of Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, we will dive deeper into the significance of who and what we are truly celebrating. In this episode we talk about what makes the AAPI community unique...
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Episode 90: Parenting- How to Stop Thinking About the Next Best Thing?

How do you respond when your child does ok but you know they have so much more potential? What does the little voice in your head say? Whose voice is it? Mostly likely it's your parent. As an immigrant you were...
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